
For a long time, I couldn’t post anything to my blog. We’re very busy with the works in Filika Design (check out our web site). And I’m trying to gain my coding skills on different coding enviroments like c++, unity and java-Javascript…

I think, I leave actionscript  in web design works. We have to think about mobile devices. And it’s sad for me to say this but, there is no way to use flash on mobile devices. However, action script is still my special power while programming multitouch apps, generative visuals and kinect based applications…

On the flash side, I’m busy with the new Starling Framework which uses gpu instead of system memory and cpu power. You should check it out if flash is your favourite coding platform 🙂

Some works from Filika Design;

– First video is Aqua Koridor : 12 x 8 m led screen,sonar sensors to track viewers’ coordinates, arduino board parses input data and send them to processing to create interactive visuals.

– Second video is floor projection application. However, it’s working with Kinect+Adobe Air. So, it’s very powerful from conventional floor projection techniques. We chose Kinect. Because, it isn’t affected by light sources, it uses infrared ligth to get infromations like depth, x,y and z position of the objects. So, ambient or spotlights in the venue don’t affect our application or calibration values.